Study of Organizational Work Culture in Sharia Savings and Loan Cooperative (Kspps) Baitul Maal Wa-Tamwil Nahdlatul Ulama (Bmt Nu) Jombang East Java Kudu Branch


  • Muhammad Maksum Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia Author
  • Mochammad Isa Anshori Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia Author


Organizational Work Culture, Loan, Financing Cooperatives


This study aims to uncover the Organizational Work Culture at the Savings and Loan Cooperative and Sharia Financing (KSPPS) Baitul Maal Wa-Tamwil Nahdlatul Ulama (BMT NU) in Jombang, by applying a literature review method. This method involves the collection and analysis of theoretical references relevant to the situation under study. The results of the literature review indicate a significant influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee effectiveness. The findings suggest that the implementation of an effective organizational culture as a managerial tool encourages employees to act positively and increase productivity, strengthening KSPPS BMT NU's position in facing challenges of adapting to technological changes, evolving regulations, and diversifying member needs. Organizations that succeed in building a culture that supports their employees tend to achieve better results and have more dedicated and productive employees.


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How to Cite

Study of Organizational Work Culture in Sharia Savings and Loan Cooperative (Kspps) Baitul Maal Wa-Tamwil Nahdlatul Ulama (Bmt Nu) Jombang East Java Kudu Branch. (2024). Journal of Organon, 1(1), 9-14.