Gestion Educativa
Gestion Educativa Journal is an international open access journal in the field of Education Management published by Nawala education to disseminate research results and innovative thinking in the field of education/school management from the education management academic community, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and education/school management practitioners. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by at least two international reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published twice a year in May, November.
Journal title : Gestion Educativa Initials : GE Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (May, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3062-7524 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal Nutrizione
Journal Nutrizione (JN) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Nutrition. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Community Nutrition, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of nutrition programs, Clinical nutrition, Sports nutrition, Molecular nutrition, Biochemistry, Nutrition and Metabolism: the relationship between nutrition and disease, Food service: implementation and evaluation of food services in an institution (schools, hospital canteens, catering operations, offices and others), and various areas focusing on human nutrition. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, May, August and November.
Journal title : Journal Nutrizione Initials : JN Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, May, August and November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-4138 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Assistant Editor : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Ludi Litterarri
Ludi Litterarri (LL) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the elementary school field. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of: (1) Learning models, (2) learning media, (3) teaching materials, (4) school management, (5) teacher management, (5) elementary school curriculum, (6) basic school learning (natural science, social science, mathematics, language, civics, religion, sports and arts). The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, May, August and November.
Journal title : Ludi Litterarri Initials : LL Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, May, August and November.) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-9983 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Naela Mikyalul F Assistant Editor
: Dwi Siyamsih
Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Public Health Indonesian
Journal of Public Health Indonesian (JPHI) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the public health. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: (1) Biostatistics, (2) Mother and Child Health, (3) Environmental Health, (4) Epidemiology, (5) Quality of Health Services, (6) Occupational Health and Safety, (7) Community Nutrition, (8) Health Policy and Administration, (9) Health Information System, (10) Reproduction health, (11) Population Studies. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in January, Maret, May, July, September, and December.
Journal title : Journal of Public Health Indonesian Initials : JPHI Frequency : 6 (six) times a year DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-1139 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Fitri Arianti Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal Syiar Islam
Journal Syiar Islam (JSI) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Islamic Religious Communication, Islamic Broadcasting, da'wah Science Studies, da'wah management, making plans and strategies for Islamic da'wah, general communication science studies, communication theory, Communication Technology, Writing and journalism (Kitabah) and approaches in communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, and organizational communication, Political communication, Mass Media and Social media. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in January, April, July and Oktober.
Journal title : Journal Syiar Islam Initials : JSI Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (January, April, July and Oktober) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Dwi Siyamsih Managing Editor : Elisa Pitria N Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Aquapolis is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of aquaculture science.. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of fisheries and marine engineering. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published two times each year in March and September
Journal title :Aquapolis Initials : A Frequency : 2 (two) March, September DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-0388 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Green Governance
Green Governance (GG) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Environmental Administration. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: . The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published three times each year in January, May and September.
Journal title : Green Governance Initials : GG Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (January, May and September) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX-XXXX Editor in Chief : Rahmat Purnomo Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Assistant Editor : Eric Krisna Sandi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal Agriventure
Journal Agriventure (AV) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Agribusiness. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Relating to agribusiness systems or agribusiness sub-systems consisting of research related to inputs, farming, processing, marketing, and supporting systems for agricultural products. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in January, Marct, May, July, September and November
Journal title : Journal Agriventure Initials : AV Frequency : 6 (six) times a year DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Rahmat Purnomo Managing Editor : Desi Ratna Sari Assistant Editor : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Alsiyasat Al'iislamia
Alsiyasat Al'iislamia (AA) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Politic Politics. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Islamic state and government system, Islamic political leadership, classical and contemporary Islamic political thought, Islamic political parties, elections, and legislation, Islam and public policy, Islam, gender, and politics, Islam, democracy, and civil society, Islamic political issues at the global level. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published three times each year in April, August and December.
Journal title : Alsiyasat Al'iislamia Initials : AA Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (April , August and December)
DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Managing Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering (EE) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Environmental Engineering. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Water Planning and Management, Wastewater Planning and Management, Air Polution Control and Management, Solid Waste Treatment and Management, Hazardous Waste, Management and Environmental Policy, Environental Management Technology, Health and Safety and other relevant fields. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published two times each year in February, August.
Journal title : Environmental Engineering Initials : EE Frequency : 2 (two) times a year DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX-XXXX Editor in Chief : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H. Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal Sipil Insight
Journal Sipil Insight (JSI) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of: Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering & Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Marine Engineering. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in March, June, August and December.
Journal title : Journal Sipil Insight Initials : JSI Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (March, June, August and December) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Rahmat Purnomo Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Fitri Arianti Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
EduTech Journal
EduTech Journal (EJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Education Technology. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Technology of Learning Methods, Learning Strategies, Teaching Materials Development, Teacher Development, Innovative Works of Learning System Design, Teaching Technology Development and Assessment. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published three times each year in January, May and September.
Journal title : EduTech Journal Initials : JE Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (January, May and September) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3063-0959 Editor in Chief : Elisa Pitria N Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Nafaqah
Journal of Nafaqah (JON) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Islamic family law. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Islamic Marriage Law, grants, waqf, Islamic Inheritance Law, Review of Religious Court Decisions and socio-religious issues related to family life. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 2 times each year in June and Desember.
Journal title : Journal of Nafaqah Initials : JON Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (June and December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3062-746X Editor in Chief : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H. Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Islamic Economy
Journal of Islamic Economy (JOIE) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal that aims to facilitate a better understanding of research-based management science among academics and study analysts, thus making a positive contribution and influence on the world of Islamic economics. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of:(1) Islamic Public Economic Philosophy, (2) Islamic Economic Thought, (3) Islamic Economics and Contemporary Issues, (4) Contemporary Issues in Islamic Financial Institutions, (5) Islamic Management and Islamic Accounting, (6) Legal Aspects in Islamic Economics.The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published three times each year in March, July and November
Journal title : Journal of Islamic Economy Initials : JOIE Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (March, July, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-2520 Editor in Chief : Dwi Siyamsih Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Indra
Journal of Indra (JOI) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Visual Communication Design. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Photography, Design Methodologies, Graphic Methods, History of Art and Design, Illustration, Typography, Environmental Graphics, Promotions, Web design, Animation, Interactive Games and Multimedia, Marketing Communications, Communications and Media, Videography, Audiovisual, Packaging Design, Branding, Social Campaigns, Creative Industries, Visual Culture, Film, Sociology of Art and Aesign, Management of Art and Design, Anthropology of Art and Design, art Criticism. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 2 times each year in May and November.
Journal title : Journal of Indra Initials : JOI Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (May and November). DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Rahmat Purnomo Managing Editor : Eric Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Suara Sastra
Suara Sastra (SS) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Indonesian Language Learning and Teaching, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, literature, and Indonesian for Foreign Speakers. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in January, April, July and October.
Journal title : Suara Sastra Initials : SS Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (January, April, July and October) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Rosmaria Managing Editor : Elisa Pitria N Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Therapia
Journal of Therapia (JOT) is an peer-reviewed, open access journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge and providing comprehensive insights into the practice and understanding of guidance and counselling. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The scope of JOT ((Journal of Therapia) is: 1) school guidance and counselling, 2) career counselling, 3) higher education, 4) guidance and counselling, 5) mental health, 6) assessment, 7) supervision in counselling, 8) spiritual counselling, 9) multi-cultural counselling, 10) educational psychology, 11) guidance and counselling media, 12) Information Technology in guidance and counselling, 13) individual developmental issues
behaviour adjustment and modificationJournal title : Journal of Therapia Initials : JOT Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (March, June, September, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048 - 0922 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi, S.Pd Managing Editor : Desi Ratna Sari, S.Pd Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Al Ilmu (AI) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Islamic religious education. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal promotes research and scholarly discussion on: Islamic Education Learning Methods, Islamic education curriculum development, Islamic education curriculum implementation, Islamic education media and learning resources development, Islamic education learning evaluation, Islamic education learning practices in schools, Islamic Education Psychology, inclusive education in Islamic education, action research in Islamic education and everything related to Islamic education. Which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in February, May, August, November.
Journal title : Al Ilmu Initials : AI Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, May, August, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-3204 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah
Publisher : PT. Angata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Tourisma
Journal of Tourisma (JT) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Tourism. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tourism Economics, Tourism Marketing, Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Policy and Regulation, Destination Development and Planning, Cultural and Heritage Tourism, Tourism and Technology, Tourist Behavior, Traveler Experience, Tourism and Local Communities, Events and Tourism, E-tourism and social media, ICT and tourism. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 3 times each year in January, May, and September.
Journal title :Journal of Tourisma Initials : JT Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (January, May and Desember). DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Desi Ratna Sari Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Horizon
Journal of Horizon (JH) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Forestry. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Forest Management, orest Product Technology, Silviculture, Forest Ecology, Forestry Policy, Forest Resource Utilization, Forest Inventory, Forest Product Processing, Forest Resource Conservation, Forest Socio-Economics and Evironment. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 2 times each year in May and November.
Journal title : Journal of Horizon Initials : JH Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (May and November). DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3062-7451 Editor in Chief : Elisa Pitria N Managing Editor : Rosmari, S.S Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Bibliogia is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Library. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Library Management, Information Technology in Libraries, Library Services, Information Literacy, Collection Management and Development, Preservation and Conservation, Open Access and Digital Libraries, Library Policy and Regulation, Social Role of Libraries, Education and Training of Library Professionals, Ethics and Legal Issues in Libraries, Innovations and Trends in Libraries, Library Performance Evaluation and Measurement. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 3 times each year in January, May and September.
Journal title : Journal of Bibliogia Initials : JB Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (January, May and Septembe). DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3062-682X Editor in Chief : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Managing Editor : Desi Ratna Sari Assistant Editor : Rosmari Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Zootechnia
Journal of Zootechnia is a bi-annual open access journal published by Nawala Education. This journal publishes original research results, literature reviews, field cases or ideas in the field of animal husbandry that are relevant to the fields of science concerning animal husbandry, zoology, veterinary, animal ethics and animal welfare, and socio-economics of animal husbandry. The journal aims to communicate and motivate research activities through scientific papers, including research articles, short communications, and reviews. The journal uses international editorial conventions to consider the suitability of publications and conducts a double-blind peer-reviewed selection process.
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Zootechnia Initials : JOZ Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (March, June, September, December) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Angga A.G,S.H Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Agata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Proses -
Journal of Organon
Journal of Organon is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal established to invite scholars and educators around the world to exchange and disseminate theory and practice orientated across the spectrum of management and human resources. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Organon Initials : JO Frequency : 2 (Two) times a year (June, December) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Dwi Siyamsih Managing Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Anagata Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Agrotikos
Journal of Agritikos is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal established to invite scientists and educators around the world to exchange and disseminate theory and practice orientated across the spectrum of agriculture. It focuses on the publication of current research results in agriculture covering various technical, technological, management, and sustainability aspects of agriculture. The main focus of the journal is to strengthen the understanding of efficient, innovative, and sustainable agricultural practices, and promote information exchange between researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the agricultural industry.
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Agritikos Initials : JOA Frequency : 4 (Four) times a year (January, April, July, October) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Synergisia (SG) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the law field. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: (1) including foreign policy, (2) conflict resolution, (3) security issues, (4) international political economy, (5) regionalism, (6) international organization, (7) diplomacy, (8) environmental issues. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published two times each year May and November
Journal title : Synergisia Initials : SG Frequency : 2 (two times each year DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-9339 Editor in Chief : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H. Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Leges Privatae
Leges Privatae (LP) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal that discusses politics of law in general and discuss discourses on the development of civil law and government policy from various perspectives. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Leges Privatae Initials : LP Frequency : 6 (six) times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-3123 Editor in Chief : Angga A.G, S.H., M.H Managing Editor : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Gemilang
Gemilang Journal is an international open access journal that discusses the physical, motor, cognitive, social and emotional development of early childhood. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by at least two international reviewers through a double blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Gemilang Initials : JOG Frequency : 3 (three) March, July, November DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-6259 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi, S.Pd Managing Editor : Desi Ratnasari, S.Pd Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Salutare
Journal of Salutare (JOS) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge and also as an information and communication media for practitioners, researchers and academics who are interested in the field and development of sport areas as follows: sport education, coaching, tourism, traditional, achievement. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Salutare Initials : JOS Frequency : 3 (three) times a year (January, May, September) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-9991 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Biosfera
Journal of Biosfera (JOB) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Geography. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: (1) Social Geography, (2) Human geography, (3) Education Geography, (4) Tourism Geography, (5)Political Geography, (6) population and environmental studies, (7) resource management, (8) disaster management, (9) Soil Geography, (10) remote sensing, (11) Population Studies, (12) Regional Planning and Development, (13) Hydrology, (14) Oceanography, (14) Meteorology, (15) Climatology, (16) Geomorphology, (17) Geology, and (18) Biogeography. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published two times each year in June and December.
Journal title : Journal of Biosfera Initials : JOB Frequency : 2 (two) times a year DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Elisa Pitria N Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Statistiko
Journal of Statistiko (JOST) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Statistics. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Computational Statistics, Biostatistics, Ecological Statistics. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published 4 times each year in June and December
Journal title : Journal of Statistiko Initials : JOST Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (June and December). DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Desi Ratna Sari Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Svargaloka
Journal of Svargaloka (JS) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Archaeology . All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: Quaternary and Prehistory, Colonial Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Epigraphy, Ethnoarchaeology, Paleoanthropology, Zooarchaeology, Geoarchaeology, Historical Archaeology, Cultural Archaeology, Indonesian Archaeological Sites, Traditional Architecture, Maritime Archaeology, Indonesian Special Subject Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Indonesian Archaeological Methods, Indonesian Archaeological Theory Studies, keramonology, and Epigraphy. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published two times each year in May and November.
Journal title : Journal of Svargaloka Initials : JS Frequency : 2 (two) times a year DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Elisa Pitria N Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Dialogos
Journal of Dialogos (JOD) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal established to disseminate research results and theoretical and applied discussions in communication sciences. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, Mei, Agustus, November.
Journal title : Journal of Dialogos Initials : JOD Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, Mei, Agustus, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-6040 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah, S.Sos Managing Editor : Seffiani Dwi Azmi, S.Sos Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Pharmacopoeia
Journal of Pharmacopoeia is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal established to invite scientists and educators around the world to exchange and disseminate theory and practice orientated pharmaceuticals. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Pharmacopoeia Initials : JP Frequency : 2 (Two) times a year (Maret,September) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-4469 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Rosmaria S.S Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Cilpa
Journal of Cipa (JOC) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of educational sciences and the arts. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Cilpa Initials : JOC Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, April, June, August) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Assistant Editor : Fitri Arianti Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Linguistica
Journal of Linguistica (JOL) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal research-based articles on language studies, literature studies, and language teaching.research-based articles on language studies, literature studies, and language teaching. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in March, June, September, December.
Journal title : Journal of Linguistica Initials : JOL Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (Maret, Juni, September, Desember) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-3217 Editor in Chief : Rosmaria, S.S Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Dwi Siyamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Ostetricia
Journal of Ostetrcia (JOO) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field ofhealth, especially in the fields of nursing and midwifery. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Ostetrcia Initials : JOO Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (Mei, October) DOI : On Process ISSN Online : XXXX - XXXX Editor in Chief : Ainullisa Amsyah Managing Editor : Intan Juniarmi Assistant Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Technologia Journal
Technologia Journal (TJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of informatic. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, Mey, August, November
Journal title : Technologia Journal Initials : TJ Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, Mey, August, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-9163 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Strafvordering Indonesian
Journal of Strafvordering Indonesian (JOSI) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal that discusses politics of law in general, discuss discourses on the development of criminal law and government policy from various perspectives. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Journal of Strafvordering Indonesian Initials : JOSI Frequency : 6 (twelve) times a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-8620 Editor in Chief : Angga A.G, S.H., M.H Managing Editor : Fitri Arianti Assistant Editor : Dwi Syamsih Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Pedagogi
Journal of Pedagogi (JOP) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge and providing comprehensive insights on all aspects of life. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in February, April, June, August, October, December.
Journal title : Journal of Pedagogi Initials : JOP Frequency : 6 (six) times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-9554 Editor in Chief : Desi Ratna Sari, S.pd Managing Editor : Intan Juniarmi, S.Pd Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Dhana (JD) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of accounting science. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in Maret, June, September, Desember
Journal title : Dhana Initials : JD Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (Maret, June, September, Desember) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-0803 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Dwi Syamsih, S.E Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Adat Recht
Journal of Adat Recht (JOAR) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of customary law. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. is published two times each year in January and July.
Journal title : Journal of Adat Recht Initials : JOAR Frequency : 2 (Two) times a year, January and July DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-1074 Editor in Chief : Angga Adila Gusman, S.H.,M.H Managing Editor : Fitri Arianti, S.H Assistant Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Maneggio (MJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal has been aimed at facilitating a better comprehension of research-based management sciences among academicians and study analysts, thereby giving a positive contribution and influence on the world of management sciences. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of: (1) financial management, (2) management, (3) human-resource management, (4) behavior organizational, (5) good governance, (6) strategic management, (7) business ethics, (8) entrepreneurship, (9) management accounting, (10) manajemen produksi. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in February, April, June, August and October and December.
Journal title : Maneggio Initials : MJ Frequency : 6 (six) times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3032-7652 Editor in Chief : Ronald N Girsang,SE., M.S.Ak Managing Editor : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Politica Governo
Journal Of Poltica Governo (JOPG) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal focusing on the study of political science, governance issues, and public policy. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, April, June, August.
Journal title : Journal OF Poltica Governo Initials : JOPG Frequency : 4 (Four) times a year (February, April, June, August) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-6881 Editor in Chief : Angga A.G,S.H., M.H Managing Editor : Fitri Arianti Saputri Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Nomico is a peer-reviewed open access international journal with the aim of disseminating the results of research, study, and development in the economic and finance, particularly in the fields of (1) accounting, (2) management, (3) capital markets, (4) business law, (5) taxation, (6) information systems, as well as other areas of economics and finance. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Nomico Initials : NJ Frequency : 12 (twelve) times a year DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-6318 Editor in Chief : Naela Mikyalul Faizah Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Journal of Renewable Engineering
Journal of Renewable Engineering (JORE) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of Renewable Engineering. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in February, April, June, August.
Journal title : Journal of Renewable Engineering Initials : JORE Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (February, April, June, August) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-7624 Editor in Chief : Dr. Kamran Yeganegi, PH.d Managing Editor : Intan Juniarmi Assistant Editor : Rosmaria, S.S Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Psikologiya Journal
Psikologiya Journal (PJ) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of psychological sciences. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in March, June, September, December
Journal title : Psikilogiya Journal Initials : PJ Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (March, June, September, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-7721 Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah Managing Editor : Clarisa Aprilia Assistant Editor : Intan Juniarmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Oshada (O) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established to inviting scientists and educators around the world to exchange and disseminate theory and practice oriented across the Spectrum of Health Education. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in February, April, June, August, October and December.
Journal title : Oshada Initials : O Frequency : 6 (Six) times a year DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-017X Editor in Chief : dr. Dito Anurogo, M.Sc., Ph.D Managing Editor : Angga A.G, Assistant Editor : Rahmat Purnomo Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : Index Copernicus International -
Kamara Journal
Kamara Journal (KJ) is a peer-reviewed open access national journal that focusing on the study of culture as it is viewed from the Indonesian perspective, Humaniora provides a platform for the presentation, analysis, and criticism of provocative works and publishes articles that transcend disciplines and advance the study of humanities. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two national Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Journal title : Kamara Journal Initials : KJ Frequency : 2 (two) times a year (May, November) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3048-0159 Editor in Chief : Yasir Riady, S.S., M.Hum Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi, S.Sos Assistant Editor : Rosmaria Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Ipso Jure
Ipso Jure (IJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the Law Field. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the the fields of: (1) Criminal law, (2) civil law, (3) constitutional law, (4) commercial law, (5) corporate law, (6) banking law, (7) legal philosophy and theory, (8) comparative law, (9) legal sociology, (10) international law, (11) constitutional law, (12) economic law, (13) environmental law, (14) criminal law, (15) administrative law, (16) cyber law, (17) human rights law and agrarian law. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published twelve times each year in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, Octobe, November and December.
Journal title : Ipso Jure Initials : IJ Frequency : 12 (twelve) times a year DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3032-7644 Editor in Chief : Fitri Arianti Saputri, S.H. Managing Editor : Nurul Fadhilah Assistant Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Socious Journal
Socious Journal (SJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the social field. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is done to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
The journal publishes original articles on current issues and trends occurring internationally in the fields of: (1) Public Administration, (2) Business Administration, (3) Communication Science, (4) Government Science, (5) Sociology, (6) International Relations, (7) geography, (8) sociology education, (9) geography education (10) community service. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in February, April, June, August and October and December.
Journal title : Socious Journal Initials : SJ Frequency : 6 (six) times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3032-677X Editor in Chief : Nurul Fadhilah, S.Sos Managing Editor : Sefiani Dwi Azmi, S.Sos Assistant Editor
: Rosmaria, S.S
Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Aksioma Education Journal
Aksioma Education Journal (AEJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Mathematics Education. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published four times each year in March, June, September, December.
Journal title : Aksioma Education Journal Initials : AEJ Frequency : 4 (four) times a year (March, June, September, December) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3047-3187 Editor in Chief : Intan Juniarmi Managing Editor : Rosmaria Assistant Editor : Desi Ratna Sari Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process -
Scientica Education Journal
Scientica Education Journal (SEJ) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of natural science education. SEJ will be published sixr times a year. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two International Reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. The journal, which has been published since 2024, is published six times each year in March, May, July, September, November, January.
Journal title : Scientica Education Journal Initials : SEJ Frequency : 6 (six) times a year (March, May, July, September, November, January) DOI : 10.62872 ISSN Online : 3046-8523 Editor in Chief : Desi Ratna Sari Managing Editor : Rahmat Assistant Editor : Rosmaria Publisher : PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Accreditation : On Process