Applicaton Of Mathematics In Big Data Analysis To Support Strategic Decision


  • Muhammad Munsarif Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Author
  • Abul Walid UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Author
  • Nila Kartika Sari Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Author



Big Data, Mathematical Models, Strategic Decision Making, Predictive Algorithms, Machine Learning


This study aims to investigate the application of mathematical models in big data Analysis and their impact on strategic decision making in various industrial sectors. Using a quantitative approach to the survey, data was collected from 190 respondents from the technology, finance, manufacturing and healthcare sectors. The results showed that the application of mathematical models, such as predictive algorithms and machine learning, contributed significantly to improving the quality of strategic decisions. The study also identified that variables such as human resource competence and technological infrastructure moderate the relationship between big data Analysis and effective decision-making. The technology and finance sectors have proven to benefit the most from the application of math-based big data Analytics, with benefits seen in improved market prediction, risk management, and operational optimization. The findings underscore the importance of integrating mathematical models in data analysis to support data-driven decision-making in the digital age.



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How to Cite

Applicaton Of Mathematics In Big Data Analysis To Support Strategic Decision. (2024). Aksioma Education Journal, 1(4), 11-21.