Innovations in Environmental Administration: Technological Approaches to Monitoring and Enforcement


  • Intan Juniarmi UIN Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Author


Technological Innovation, Environmental Administration, Law Enforcement


This research explores innovations in environmental administration through technological approaches to monitoring and enforcement in Indonesia. Increased environmental pollution and damage require innovative solutions to improve the effectiveness of environmental administration. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to analyze the implementation of technology in environmental supervision and law enforcement in several regions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, field observations, and document analysis. The research objective is to assess the effectiveness of technology in improving environmental supervision and law enforcement and identify the factors that influence it. The results showed that the use of technology, such as environmental sensors and geographic information systems (GIS), can improve the accuracy and efficiency of supervision. However, challenges such as limited human and financial resources and resistance to technological change remain. This research recommends institutional capacity building and financial support to maximize the benefits of technology in environmental administration.



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How to Cite

Innovations in Environmental Administration: Technological Approaches to Monitoring and Enforcement. (2024). Green Governance , 1(1), 22-29.