The Role Of Digital Health Technology In Enhancing Health Promotion Campaigns : A Case Study From A Resource Imites Region


  • Rita Rena Pudyastuti Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Author
  • Johanna Tomasoa Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku Author
  • Andrias Horhoruw Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku Author
  • Marta Atik Martsiningsih Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Author



Digital Health Technology, Health Promotion , Resources Imitations Regions


Study This evaluate role technology digital health in increase effectiveness campaign promotion health in the region with source Power limited use method studies literature . Focus main is understand contribution application health , social media platforms , and services message short (SMS) in expand reach and impact information health , as well as identify challenges and solutions related its application . This method involving review systematic to relevant literature , including​ article journal , report research , and publication about technology digital health . Analysis aiming collect data about effectiveness technology , challenges faced, and strategies implemented . Findings show that technology digital health has the potential big in repair access information health , improve awareness society , and encourage behavior healthy. Limitations internet access and low digital literacy can hinder utilization technology. The proposed solution covering investment in infrastructure technology information , improvement digital literacy through training , and work The same between government , sector private sector , and non- governmental organizations . Technology digital health can become tool effective in reach objective health a more society good and even , especially in areas with source Power limited , with support and planned strategies. Research This give outlook about optimization technology digital health based proof studies literature For results better health​ Good .


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How to Cite

The Role Of Digital Health Technology In Enhancing Health Promotion Campaigns : A Case Study From A Resource Imites Region. (2024). Oshada , 1(4), 14-28.