Analysis Of Antioxidant Activity Of A Combination Of Turmeric Rhyme Extract (Curcuma Domestica Val.) And Katu Leaves (Sauropus Androgynus) As Additional Therapy For Type 2 Dm


  • Dewa Ayu Trisna Damayanti Program Sarjana Farmasi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas UdayanaE-mail: Author



Antioxidants, DPPH, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Sauropus androgynus, Curcuma domestica Val


The importance of reform in the health sector will be ammunition in realizing the Society 5.0 era. In Indonesia, there is currently an epidemiological transition which is causing a shift in disease patterns, namely an increase in degenerative diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. It is hoped that the creation of an innovative herbal drink combining turmeric rhizome and katuk leaves will be an additional therapy for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this research is to analyze antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. The research was carried out by analyzing antioxidant activity based on the IC50 value. The samples in this study were turmeric rhizome extract (Curcuma domestica Val.) and katuk leaf extract (Sauropus androgynus). There were 3 test samples, namely turmeric rhizome extract (sample 1), katuk leaf extract (sample 2) and a combination extract of turmeric rhizome and katuk leaves (sample 3). Based on the research, IC50 values were obtained from three formulations, namely sample 1 of 40 ppm, sample 2 of 40 ppm and sample 3 of 30 ppm. These results were also compared with the standard antioxidant activity of vitamin C used at 20 ppm. Based on the three samples with antioxidant activity results, sample 3 has the best antioxidant activity compared to samples 1 and 2 so that it can inhibit free radical


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How to Cite

Analysis Of Antioxidant Activity Of A Combination Of Turmeric Rhyme Extract (Curcuma Domestica Val.) And Katu Leaves (Sauropus Androgynus) As Additional Therapy For Type 2 Dm. (2024). Oshada , 1(3), 30-42.