Literature Review: Analysis of the Relationship between Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, and Employee Retention
Employer Branding , Employee Engagement, Employee retentionAbstract
Employer branding is a crucial concept for companies in creating a comfortable and attractive work environment for employees. This research aims to emphasize the importance of employer branding in retaining employees and increasing their engagement. The method used in this study is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which examines various sources from databases such as Scopus, Emerald, and Google Scholar. The search criteria include journals that are openly accessed and written in English and Indonesian. The results of the study show that employer branding has a significant influence on employee retention. When companies build a positive image as a workplace, employees tend to feel more engaged and loyal. In addition, emotional factors such as employee engagement have also been shown to have a strong impact. Employees who feel emotionally engaged with the company tend to be more productive and motivated. Thus, companies that focus on employer branding are not only able to retain employees, but also create a more passionate and dedicated team. This makes employer branding a strategy that should not be ignored by companies in facing human resource challenges in the modern era.
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